Everyone’s job is different in terms of job and occupations, the following is a description of the jobs by profession: –
- Accountant, a person who looks after the works related to finance in an organization/department.
- Baker, a person who bakes i.e. bread, cake, biscuits, etc. They usually work in bakeries.
- Barber, a person who cut hairs and shaved beard of men’s.
- Builder, a person who construct buildings with materials, also known as a construction worker.
- Barber, a person who cut hairs and shaved beard of men’s.
- Carpenters, a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.
- Chef, a person who cook foods, typically chefs work in hotels and restaurants.
- Cashier, a person handling payments and receipts in Banks, Shopping malls or Business, etc.
- Electrician, a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
- Engineer, a person who design builds or structure or maintains engines and machines.
- Fireman, a person who employed to extinguish or prevent fires, also know as firefighters.