Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally & Permanently

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally & Permanently, SubKuch Web

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally: Dandruff is a common scalp condition that affects people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. It is characterized by flaky and itchy skin on the scalp, which can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. While there are many shampoos and other treatments available for dandruff, some people prefer to use natural remedies to get rid of it. In this article, we will discuss some home remedies to get rid of dandruff naturally.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. Tea Tree Oil
  3. Aloe Vera
  4. Baking Soda
  5. Lemon Juice
  6. Neem Oil
  7. Coconut Oil
  8. Fenugreek Seeds

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

The Apple cider vinegar is a popular natural remedy for dandruff. Here are the steps to use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy to get rid of dandruff:

  • Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl or spray bottle.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp and massage it in gently.
  • Let the mixture sit on your scalp for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a week.

It helps to balance the pH level of your scalp, which can reduce the growth of yeast and fungus that can contribute to dandruff. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help to eliminate dandruff-causing bacteria and fungus.

Note: Apple cider vinegar is acidic and can be harsh on your hair if used too frequently or in too high a concentration. It is important to dilute the vinegar with water before applying it to your scalp, and to avoid getting it in your eyes. If you experience any irritation or discomfort, stop using the remedy and consult a healthcare professional.

2. Tea Tree Oil:

The Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil that has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can help to treat dandruff by reducing the growth of the yeast that causes dandruff. Here’s a simple home remedy using tea tree oil to get rid of dandruff:

  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • In a small bowl, mix together 10 drops of tea tree oil, 1/4 cup of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel, and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Use a whisk or a fork to mix the ingredients together until they are well combined.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp, using your fingers to massage it in gently.
  • Leave the mixture on your scalp for 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, and then shampoo as usual.
  • Repeat this treatment once or twice a week until your dandruff is gone.

Note: Always do a patch test before using tea tree oil on your scalp to check for any allergic reactions. If you experience any redness, itching, or irritation, stop using the oil immediately.

3. Aloe Vera:

The Aloe vera is a natural plant that has been used for centuries to treat various skin and hair problems, including dandruff. Aloe vera has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help reduce the symptoms of dandruff. Here is a simple home remedy using aloe vera to get rid of dandruff:

  • Fresh Aloe Vera Gel
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and cut it open to extract the gel.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture onto your scalp and massage gently.
  • Leave the mixture on your scalp for about 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water and shampoo.
  • Use this remedy once or twice a week for best results.
  • Aloe vera has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help eliminate the fungus responsible for dandruff.
  • Tea tree oil has natural antifungal properties that can help soothe an itchy scalp.
  • Coconut oil helps to moisturize the scalp and reduce dryness that can lead to dandruff.

Note: If you have a severe case of dandruff or if your scalp is very itchy and inflamed, it is best to consult a dermatologist before trying any home remedies.

4. Baking Soda:

The Baking soda is a popular home remedy to get rid of dandruff. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Wet your hair and scalp thoroughly.
  • Take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and rub it into your scalp. Be sure to focus on the areas where you have dandruff.
  • Leave the baking soda on your scalp for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water.
  • Apply a mild conditioner to the ends of your hair, if desired.
  • Repeat this process once a week for a few weeks until your dandruff is under control.

Baking soda helps to exfoliate your scalp and remove dead skin cells that can contribute to dandruff. It also has anti-fungal properties that can help to kill the fungus that causes dandruff.

It’s important to note that baking soda can be drying to your scalp, so it’s best to use it in moderation and not more than once a week. If you notice any irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

5. Lemon Juice:

The Lemon juice is a natural remedy that can help treat dandruff due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Here’s how to use lemon juice to get rid of dandruff:

  • Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a bowl.
  • Massage the lemon juice onto your scalp using your fingertips. Be sure to cover your entire scalp.
  • Leave the lemon juice on your scalp for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with water, then shampoo and condition as usual.
  • Repeat this remedy once or twice a week until you see improvement in your dandruff.

Note: Lemon juice can be drying to your scalp, so it’s important to moisturize your scalp after using this remedy. You can do this by using a hair oil or moisturizing conditioner. Also, be careful not to get lemon juice in your eyes as it can cause irritation.

6. Neem Oil:

The Neem oil has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties that make it a great home remedy for dandruff. Here is how you can use neem oil to get rid of dandruff:

  • Mix neem oil with a carrier oil: Neem oil is very strong, so it’s important to mix it with a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil. Mix equal parts neem oil and carrier oil in a small bowl.
  • Apply the oil mixture to your scalp: Using your fingertips, massage the oil mixture into your scalp. Be sure to cover your entire scalp, focusing on the areas where you have the most dandruff.
  • Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes: Cover your head with a shower cap and leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes. For best results, leave the oil on overnight.
  • Shampoo your hair: After the oil has been on your scalp for at least 30 minutes, shampoo your hair as you normally would. Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove all of the oil.
  • Repeat once a week: To keep dandruff at bay, repeat this treatment once a week.

Note: Neem oil has a strong, pungent odor that may linger on your hair. You can add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or peppermint to mask the scent.

7. Coconut Oil:

The Coconut oil is a natural ingredient that can be used to combat dandruff. Here’s a simple home remedy to use coconut oil to get rid of dandruff:

  • Step 1: Warm up some coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Step 2: Apply the warm coconut oil to your scalp and hair, making sure to massage it in well. Focus on the areas of your scalp where you see the most dandruff.
  • Step 3: Leave the coconut oil on your hair and scalp for at least 30 minutes, but you can also leave it on overnight for more intensive treatment.
  • Step 4: Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and shampoo your hair as you normally would.

Repeat this process at least once a week until the dandruff is gone. Coconut oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can help fight dandruff, and it also helps to moisturize the scalp, reducing the itching and flakiness associated with dandruff.

8. Fenugreek Seeds:

The Fenugreek seeds are a popular home remedy for treating dandruff. Here is a simple recipe you can try:

  • 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
    1 cup of water
  • Soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  • The next day, grind the soaked seeds to make a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste to your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off the paste with water and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

You can use this remedy twice a week to get rid of dandruff. Fenugreek seeds contain anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that can help reduce scalp irritation and fight off the dandruff-causing fungus.

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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally & Permanently